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What is Restorative Yoga?

Students in a reclined twist on Brownes Beach in Barbados
Students in a reclined twist on Brownes Beach in Barbados

Restorative yoga, also called gentle yoga, is a style of yoga designed to relax, restore, and rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit.

A traditional restorative yoga sequence typically involves only five or six poses, supported by props like chairs, blocks, straps, sandbags, bolsters, and blankets that allow you to completely relax and rest. Held for 5 minutes or more, restorative poses include light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle backbends. Most traditional restorative practices are based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar.

However, a restorative yoga class held outdoors or at the beach can mean a slow-moving class consisting of holding very gentle poses for a few minutes but with little to no props. The intentions for the classes will be the same: to create deep mental and physical relaxation.

Restorative/gentle classes are usually recommended for relearning the art of relaxation while developing the skills and abilities to self-soothe. They’re perfect for helping with anxiety, stress relief, problems with sleep, and a range of other concerns.

The gentle nature of restorative classes makes them very accessible to those new to yoga.

Go to our schedule to see the Restorative classes available in Barbados. Enjoy!


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