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What is Anusara Yoga?

Students in a variation of Pigeon Pose in the Sunshine Kula studio in Barbados
Students in a variation of Pigeon Pose in the Sunshine Kula studio in Barbados

Anusara yoga classes are centered around a meaningful theme that sets the intention and attitude that the teacher invokes throughout a class. Themes are often rooted in Anusara’s philosophy (Tantric philosophy ‘Non-dual Tantra’ which describes both Shiva & Shakti traditions, (Supreme Consciousness & the power of consciousness)) which makes the practice both a joyful and an inspirational experience.

Using Anusara’s 3 A’s as pillars, the teacher skillfully weaves the theme into the alignment and action cues throughout the class. Heart-oriented themes help students connect the physical practice with a deep feeling of self-honoring, safety, community, devotion and love.

What are the Key Elements of Anusara

Anusara yoga classes contain unique and distinguished key elements that are essential to our teaching methodology including

  • a heart-oriented theme

  • emphasis of an Anusara Universal Principles of Alignment™

  • effective pose sequence

  • clear and inspirational language

  • precise demonstrations.

Anusara Yoga in Barbados

Anusara classes are fluid, safe and fun. In Barbados, you can try Anusara/Anusara inspired classes at Sunshine Kula with certified Anusara teacher, Pamela Harris.

Go to our schedule to see the Anusara or Anusara inspired classes available in Barbados. Enjoy!


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Yoga Barbados is your online guide to yoga in Barbados. Our goal is to share information on classes, upcoming workshops/retreats, and lots more yoga-related goodies. Read More


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