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The Power of Laughter

Students in a Warrior 1 pose at an outdoor Yoga class in Barbados
Sophia sharing a laugh with students during a yoga class

Giggles, guffaws, chuckles, cackles, "hold muh belly" laughs. Laughter can be therapeutic, it helps with stress relief and it makes us feel good. It stimulates our feel good hormones and it encourages social connection.

Just as true humor is laughter at oneself, true humanity is knowledge of oneself. Alan Watts

Laughter also gives us a glimpse into how it feels to just be, to disengage from our thoughts. In fact, sometimes when we get into a full laughing session, we forget what we were laughing at until we stop laughing. Of course, when we remember, we often start another fresh fit of laughter. That's why there is laughter meditation as well, check it out!

The highest forms of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion. Richard Phillips Feynman

Sometimes at the start of a yoga class especially ones that are new to us, we often feel anxious and tense but light heartedness and laughter in yoga classes can convert anxiety and tension to ease and comfort. It can make students feel more comfortable with the teacher and each other. It can remind us of the important element of lightness, not taking ourselves too seriously and not being attached to the idea of a "perfect" practice.

So one of the best decisions you can make is to add lots of laughter to your daily practice and to your self care routine!

Go to our schedule to see the various classes available in Barbados. Enjoy!


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Yoga Barbados is your online guide to yoga in Barbados. Our goal is to share information on classes, upcoming workshops/retreats, and lots more yoga-related goodies. Read More


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